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Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach

Eat to Perform Level 2 Nutrition Certified Advisor 

I believe in a flexible dieting approach to eating. No foods should be off-limits. Instead, we should learn to eat the macronutrients our bodies need in just the right amounts for our goals (weight loss, muscle gain, maintenance) by eating real food (vegetables, meat, fruits), 80% of the time and indulging the other 20% - without any guilt!


By eating just the right amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates (even a doughnut!) we can reach our goals and live our lives without ever needing to go on another fat diet again. Sometimes my approach isn't as sexy as Keto, Intermittent Fasting or "insert fad diet here," but I know that I help my clients learn habits that they can carry with them for the rest of their life, thus making this the most sustainable way to lose weight, build muscle, balance your energy levels, and ensure you're fueling your body with the best foods possible.


Monthly Macro Coaching & Accountability
$110 /4 weeks


My most popular coaching program, this is flexible dieting with a holistic approach to learning how to eat to fit your macros. This is a program that includes daily accountability with me as your coach, reviewing your food journal and weekly progress reports via photos, measurements and an in-depth look at your stress, sleep and food choices. 

8 weeks are due at initial signup.


  • Weekly progress charted via measurements, weigh-in and photos 

  • Supplementation advice and support 

  • Custom macro-nutrient prescription to fit your goals (fat loss, muscle gain)

  • Body Fat Calculation

  • Learn how to weigh, measure and plan your day for success

  • Goal Setting

  • Daily Food Journal Review 

  • Open communication with me via messaging and email 24/7

  • Weekly Challenges to keep help you create new habits and maintain them

  • Macros re-calculated based on changes in fitness, weight-loss, going on vacation, etc. 


One Time Macro Assessment

This one time assessment is perfect for any self-starter who does not need help counting calories or macros. Includes body fat calculation and daily calorie + macronutrient needs based on your activity levels and goals.


  • Body Fat Calculation based on current measurements 

  • Custom Daily Caloric Needs and Macronutrient Prescription for Flexible Dieting

  • Supplementation Guidance 

  • Meal Prep Tricks and Tips


Sign Up!


Email me at to discuss which option best suits you & sign up!


Ask about student, couples and military discounts.


Once payment and paperwork are processed, there are no refunds or holds on accounts.

Client Testimonials


"My first interaction with Courtney was seeing her do crazy heavy lifts and butterfly pull ups on the rig from across the gym. The way she looked and performed was extremely intimidating for me. I had seen people from my box liking 'Petite Athleat' on Facebook and after checking it out I connected the dots to see it was Courtney's professional website.  After a few weeks of working up the courage to ask her about the nutritional coaching, I finally did and I am so grateful I did. We started with some basic measurements, weigh in, and photos.  When I emailed Courtney my pictures, I was so embarrassed and ashamed. Looking at the pictures made me finally admit to myself what I really looked like in the mirror. I had been doing CrossFit for almost two years and didn't look like I did.  Yes, I could lift heavy weights. Yes, I could run faster than I ever have. No, the fat wasn't vanishing before my eyes and the 'toned' look I desired was nowhere in sight despite eating "healthy". The number on my scale went up and even though I knew it was muscle gain, what I saw in the mirror felt like I was getting no where. I blamed it on medications because I had nutrition counseling before and only lost a little bit of weight.


From the beginning, Courtney promised that if I stick to logging and macros things will change. That promise was never broken! I wasn't judged for  how I looked, but instead encouraged and empowered by Courtney's reply: "I CAN do this!" The very first week the number on the scale went down, I lost inches, but most of all was seeing the photos being compared. I had a few detours during my 6 weeks of counseling; workouts were lighter than usual and extreme stress with things in my personal life. Through then entire program Courtney was completely understanding and tailored these changes to what my body needed. Not only did I see results but I learned what macros are, how they affect workout/non-workout days, and that I can eat normal foods to fit within what my body needs. I ate pizza, cheesesteaks, and my personal kryptonite- ice cream. By the end of my six weeks, the scale and measurements did no justice.  The saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" was the only thing I needed to see.


What I was feeling when I put on my clothes, how I felt overall during workouts, but most of all how I felt when I looked in the mirror... I cant even describe. My skinny jeans still felt skinny around my thighs (got to love quads!) but didn't fit on my waist. My nemesis brown shorts that I had been trying for over a year to fit into fit like a glove!


I am so thankful for my program with Courtney and the support she gave me throughout the entire time without feeling judged- even on days where my macros weren't quite where they should be.  From the very beginning, I put the work in to sticking to the program and in the end I got results but also a great mentor and supporter who believed I could do it, even when I thought I couldn't. It all started with a simple question and ended with more self-confidence then I have ever had. If you're hesitant to trying nutrition counseling with Courtney, step out of your comfort zone. You body and mind will be so glad you did!" -Keri Ann


"I stumbled across Courtney's website & Instagram a few years ago. I was hooked immediately. Her outlook and positive drive was very refreshing. Her short workout videos inspired me to try out CrossFt for myself. I noticed a few months ago that she offers on-line Nutrition & Remote coaching. After a few weeks of working up the courage to enlist some assistance with my weight loss and to learn about nutrition, I sent an email. I'm so glad I did! 


Courtney is super friendly, helpful and supportive. She will answer any question you have promptly and honestly. I've been an athlete my entire life; starting with Tee-Ball and ending with College level basketball. But after College - real life started and that meant hours and hours of sitting in a Corporate office chair. I continued to "work-out" but was doing nothing to combat the Cafeteria that was on-site and offered all kinds of goodies that I could bring back to my desk and eat in secret. 


My weight ballooned to over 230 pounds. I had never been that heavy or unhealthy and I hated everything about it. I started searching the internet for quick tricks and tips to get the weight off. I had some minor successes but I didn't feel any of the things I was doing were healthy or sustainable. That's when I called in Courtney. I had managed to get myself down to 215 pounds - in six months. Since working with Courtney, I have lost 11 pounds and a few inches in just 8 weeks.


I initially thought Courtney was mad as a hatter when she sent my RX to me; it was over 1700 calories a day! However, I am no longer starving in my office and for the first time, I am well fed and rarely hungry. I now look forward to meal prep and how creative I can get with different meals. I'm not quite where I want to be weight-wise and I plan to continue to learn about food and the way my body is using that fuel. I'm on my second round of Nutrition coaching and I look forward to working with Courtney as my personal journey continues. She is a wonderful coach and works hard to keep you on track and keep you motivated. So if you are looking for a nutrition coach - you need her! Five Stars!!"

-Kristen Peterson 


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This web site offers health, wellness, fitness, exercise, and nutritional information and is provided for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Speak with your physician or healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, please contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this website. The use of any information provided on this website is solely at your own risk. Nothing stated or posted on this web site or available through any services offered by Courtney Donmoyer or are intended to be, and must not be taken to be, the practice of medicine.

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